Diecast Models - CORGI
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These are Corgis that have been repainted and only had after market parts added in some instances. Repaints generally have been done in non original colours and styles. No physical alterations have been done to these models. Where more major alterations have been done they have been listed under Code 3 Models.

Completely repainted and redecorated. New livery and design with after market Porsche wheels and tyres added.

Completely altered from its original look and new wheels and tyres added to enhance the look. Different livery and windscreen added.

Stripped, cleaned and repainted in two tone blue.

Stripped, cleaned and repainted in two tone yellow and white.

Repainted and after market wheels and tyres added.

A corgi ERF Truck mated to a Matchbox transporter. Both been repainted in metallic green and purple. Modernised version of Corgi's originals/

Repainted in two tone Gold /Pink and detailed with silver. The model has a more modern look.

A Corgi Ford Transit repainted in two tone. After market wheels and tyres added and a gold stripe separates the two colours. It totally changes the look from an original.

Repainted in non original colours and after market wheels and tyres added

Repainted in three colours and Police decals which were purchased on Ebay were applied.

Painted in non original colours.

Repainted in factory colours and with factory wheels

Restored as near to original factory version. After market parts were needed as model was in poor shape.

Rear view

Another restoration to near as possible to factory version. Again aftermarket parts were needed to complete.

Rear view.