Diecast Models - IN PROGRESS
These are models I am either currently working on or I have completed at an earlier time. Once completed build details will still be available by clicking on the COMPLETED model photo. Those from an earlier time will just show the final completed model with the progress shots available by clicking the link on the photo.

This is my second Surfing woody wagon being done for a friend in the UK. The first one I did was over 6 years ago and I thought was my last. This will be similar but a different paint combination. Progress is slow as it is very labour intensive.
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Starting with a Micro Models VW sedan and a Brentoy van a union of the two has produced a very believable VW van. See link for progress.
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Stating with a Micro Models Vanguard wagon I am creating a Vanguard Phase 2 sedan Click on Link to see progress
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COMPLETED Completed with a set of modern chrome wheels and wide tyres
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COMPLETED & SOLD Loaded with a classic. A Corgi Karmann Ghia repainted.
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COMPLETED The Model's now painted with a windscreen added. A very presentable and unique model.
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COMPLETED The model painted in a red/gold chameleon paint. Winsdcreen and hand detailing finish it off.
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COMPLETED The Brentoy truck now completed. Looks very believable and could pass as a factory produced model.
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COMPLETED A Micro Models vanguard wagon was the donor for this modification. It is based on a real life vehicle and I have made the model to closely resemble the real vehicle. I think this model has been made by Kenna Models in the UK.
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COMPLETED MODEL Built a few years ago I have added photos of the build. See Link
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COMPLETED & SOLD The model has now been completed with the detailing and wheels. VW's we're always odd looking vehicles and so this one continues the tradition.
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COMPLETED Now fully detailed and base and wheels affixed along with roof sign. I wonder if it was ever on German roads?? This one has also gone to the UK.
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COMPLETED Model with a clear gloss coat. base and wheels added. hand detailing around the grill etc. Now Complete and off the the UK.
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