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The are various models, some no name brandsand others one off items that have been restored and modified. More detail on the model is provided when the item is viewed.

This started as a beat up Dinky large scale Buick. I have tried to create a copy of George Baris's Buick Riviera (see next photo of the real thing). It took a lot of sculpting and moulding to get a "close" resemblance. A very pleasing modifications but never to be repeated by me.

Rear view.

Side view

This was a cheap $2 toy about 1:36 scale . It has the roof lowered, been repainted and had the pipes added to the bonnet. It is hard to point out how different it looks from the original.

Rear view of the model showing the exhaust pipes. Paint is metallic orange and purple with a high gloss clear coat finish.

This is another of the same cheap $2 models as the first . The roof has been removed. The whole base with wheel arches and running platform have also been removed. Different wide wheels have been added with the front wheels being smaller than the rear. The bonnet has been modified and engine and carburettors added. A stylish two tone metallic paint with a clear high gloss finishes off the model.

Side view of model showing the side exhaust pipes running along the side of the car.

Rear view. The difference in the size of the front and rear tyres are now quite noticeable.

This is also a cheap $2 model from the same supplier as the others. The bonnet has been heavily altered by smoothing it as it had all sorts of ridges. Other bits have been removed to give it a sleek look. After market wheels and tyres were needed to give it some class. It has been painted in a two tone metallic yellow and orange with a candy orange rune over the model from the front fading towards the middle.

Side view showing the side exhaust pipes and different size front and rear tyres.

Rear view

This is NOT a cheap model. I however bought it in poor condition and without its original bonnet. It is a heavy white metal Australian model and came with an interior and windscreen. They may have originally been a kit model. The wheels and tyres are original but repainted to match the colour of the car. The bonnet has been made from model clay and cast to look "real". The front and rear bumpers were missing but I did not mind. Again a two tone metallic paint job with a high gloss finish.

Side view

Rear view.

I received this Corgi Porsche in poor condition. I bought some after market parts which were missing. A total repaint in red and gold as I imagined it should look. After market Porsche style wheels and tyres. Decorated with professionally produced decals creating a very individual model.

Side view

Rear view showing the features better.

This is a cheap quite plastic Corgi easily available. It is a nice model though so it received a makeover and decorated with some professional decals I had sitting around. Again my own colour combination which worked well .

Side view