Diecast Models- Micro International Truck
This Micro Models International Truck has been factory produced as a tow truck, a drinks truck and a cargo truck. It is a smaller scale (close to 1:76) than the rest of the Micro range. This however does not detract from the model and the truck and chassis lend themselves to a variety of Code 3 models that I have produced. Often the rear of the factory models were missing or had broken parts. When complete but in need of a repaint they can also be "altered" into some interesting variations.

Neither livery were produced for sale by the Company. They were prototypes that never reached production prior to the company shutting down. The decals are very close copies of the prototypes.

Micro Models never produced an International tipper truck. I have added a Corgi tipper rear which I have modified to suit. The colours and livery are aimed at being the same as the Micro Models Ford V8 tipper produced with Micro Quarries livery. The decals on these two have been copied to closely resemble the original livery. These have been done differently to the Blue tipper on this page.

This is the mating of an International truck and the rear of a Brentoy tanker. The scale and fit works out perfectly and it looks like a factory model.

Rear view of the tanker.

Repainted and a real laminated timber tray top has been affixed. In this instance dual axles have been added but it is likely future versions will have single axles which look just as good.

Rear view

This Cab and Chassis has had a Tipper rear which came from a Corgi model.. The rear has been adapted to fit the chassis and to tip.

The photo shows the rear in the tip position. The tipper handle part has been built and adapted to suit the functionality but is a simple deisgn. The second set of rear wheels which are meant to act as the spares for the truck in fact also hold the rear tipping pin in place. To my knowledge Micro Models never did an International tip truck.

This is a factory original in Coca Cola livery

A code 3 model with a "billboard" rear added to the chassis. The empty palate can house many household name products. They can also use each side with different images of the same brand or can display a different product.

Another version of the billboard truck. This one advertises Vegemite on the other face.

This model required the chassis to be cut so the length could be extended to house the "tanker". A recycled product and some improvising on the top to give a realistic tanker appearance. A smart unique model.

The Tanker and trailer together. Trailer wheels altered to match the tanker.

Another version of this very believable Code 3

A third version showing the rear display which is applied on all models. In total I have done a fleet of six like models all for one collector.

The other side of the VB billboard.

Originally a tow truck with a broken rear this has been converted to a fire truck. A white metal tank added with a hose reel, ladder,siren and beacon light. NSW Rural Fire service badge applied with the usual fire truck stripes.

Rear view highlighting the hose reel and tank.