Diecast Models- Scratch Built Models 2
In fact it is only the rears of these models that are scratch built usually using recycled materials. The cabs or prime movers are generally scrubbers that have been totally restored, repainted and in some cases after market parts fitted.

A French Dinky Simca Cargo Truck which had no rear and was in poor condition seemed a good starting point for my Moet & Chandon delivery truck.

The start of the rear cargo section.

The cargo portion fitted to the truck.

Painted and decorated after detailing. In house decals and a large "bottle" of Moet added some interest. Rich red and gold paint was used which seemed appropriate for the load.

. The bottles of champagne are clearly not normal size so imagine them as large Magnums sitting in crates. The best I could find in my pile of "extras"

Rear view

The prime mover is a Matchbox king size model fully restored. The Tanker os made from a metal pie with metal ends which have been ground down to a thinner rim. The chassis has been hand built as can be seen in a later photo. Wheel arches have been added. Dual axles with double rimmed tyres complete the look. In house decals have been added after painting.

Rear view of the model.

Photo of chassis.